Monday, March 9, 2020

Week 10, Reading Notes A - The Journey to the Sunrise

The Journey to the Sunrise 

This week I am reading stories from the Cherokee Myths Unit.

This story is very brief and that is part of the reason I like it. Seven young, Cherokee men pack up to go on a search for the where the sun rises (towards the east, of course!). Along the way they met many different tribes and interacted with these different cultures.

Once they reached the place where the sky touched the ground - they realized that there was a door like structure in this area. From what I understand it was big pendulum type thing with a large rock swinging back in forth - I found this random and fascinating. They tried to go through it, but the first man who did was crushed by the rock. So, the other six were too scared to try. Thus, they headed back home, but when they were home they were old men. I appreciated this ending of them being "old men", because it really gives the whole story a very dramatic effect in only two words.

If I were to rewrite this story I think I would make the characters different types of animals and maybe one of them would get through the pendulum thingy.

Bibliography. "The Journey to the Sunrise" from Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900). Web Source.

(Sunrise: Image by Yinan Chen from Pixabay)

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