Sunday, January 26, 2020

Storybook Plan

Story Sources 

The following sources are from: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child (1882-1898). Web Source.

"Robin Hood and Little John." Web Source.

"Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford." Web Source.

"The Golden Arrow." Web Source.

"Robin Hood and Maid Marian." Web Source.

Additionally this story is inspired by the 1981 classic - Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Web Source. 

Story Episodes

Episode #1: "Little John and the Clue"

Inspired by "Robin Hood and Little John" - Robin will meet Little John and become friends/comrades. Little John also delivers a clue to an ancient relic (right now I think it is going to be a bow, but I haven't decided if it is actually going to be of historical significance or fictional, still need to research this more).

Episode #2: "Robin Hood in Disguise"

Inspired by "Robin and the Bishop of Hereford" - Robin blends in with the Bishop's men and interacts with the Bishop in order to further his search for the "lost bow". I would also like to mix in some snakes somewhere in the story, and this might be the "episode" to do it. As you know, Indie "hates snakes".

Episode #3: "The Golden Arrow"

Inspired by the "Golden Arrow" this will be the last mission before Robin finally finds the "lost bow". This story will also involved Maid Marian (the other stories might as well, but I haven't quite figured out how I want to do it yet).

Episode #4: "The Lost Bow"

Robin Hood and Little John finally find it, but the Bishop ends up stealing it from them. But the bow turns out to be the Bishop's demise...

Storytelling Styles 

I think I prefer to write in the first person. So I could write these stories from the perspective of different characters. Maybe: Little John, Bishop of Hereford (this could be a letter to Prince John), Maid Marian (might do this one like a journal), and then Robin Hood. But I am still not sure.

I could also write it as a narrator, who is telling a story to his grandkids.

Storybook Theme 

My main idea for this story is for it to be an adventure similar to Indiana Jones, but using the stories of Robin Hood as inspiration. Also, I would like to show that winner does not always win, and people can often pursue things for the wrong reasons.

(LEGO Indiana Jones: Photo by Rob Jones)

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